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20 mb pressure drop between wrfin and first wrfout file


Hi WRF folks,

I've been running some WRF-DART experiments and I've noticed something weird happening with the output from the 1-hour free forecasts between cycles. Namely, the pressure field drops around 20 hPa from the wrfinput files I'm feeding into WRF and the first wrfoutput file valid at the same time (03 UTC on 9/15/2022 in this case). At first I thought it might be due to unbalanced initial conditions from the DA, but I ran a cycle with no DA and the same thing happened. The pressure recovers to reasonable values by the end of the 1-hour free forecast for the next DA cycle, but I'd imagine this isn't great for the model. Have you seen this before / do you know what might be causing it? I'm running my simulations on derecho, and I've made a test WRF run at /glade/derecho/scratch/mawilson/OSSE_WRF/rundir/advance_test if you want to take a look.


Matt Wilson


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