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About total temperature tendency


New member
Hi all,

I'm interested in some physical processes in thunderstorm modeling by WRF, include temperature term.
Due to this artical ( How to output temperature tendency terms ), temperature tendency include 5 term: h_diabatic, RTHSHTEN, RTHCUTEN, RTHRATEN, RTHBLTEN. Did it included all processes that change the temperature in a timestep?
(Which I mean, does these terms fully represent the change of temperature in a timestep, like dT/dt = advection + MP physic + CU physic + RA physic + etc...? I wonder that RTHFTEN can be flux term and must be include in total temperature tendency equation. Did WRF have any other process can change temperature in one timestep?)

Beside that, did WRF have a total equation to include all these additional temperature processes, or temperature changing step by step when calling physical modules?

Thanks you so much,
You are right that temperature tendency includes 5 term: h_diabatic, RTHSHTEN, RTHCUTEN, RTHRATEN, RTHBLTEN. They lead to changes in temperature at each time step.
The equation is give in the WRF Tech Note. Please see Chaper 2.
You are right that temperature tendency includes 5 term: h_diabatic, RTHSHTEN, RTHCUTEN, RTHRATEN, RTHBLTEN. They lead to changes in temperature at each time step.
The equation is give in the WRF Tech Note. Please see Chaper 2.
Thank you for your answer. I need to clarify my questions:

Q: Did these 5 terms include temperature change induced by advection?

I mean, due to above thread, we have another question not answer yet:
There are a total of 6 variables for theta. Isn't there accumulated tendency from horizontal/vertical advection?

I tried the following code in dyn_em, but I'm finding it quite difficult to understand how the temperature is calculated and how to extract the advection terms for temperature tendencies.

The 5 terms (h_diabatic, RTHSHTEN, RTHCUTEN, RTHRATEN, RTHBLTEN) account for diabatic heating tendency.
The advection tendency, i.e., RTHFTEN, is small and can often be ignored.