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accumulated total precipitation

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I use WRF-ARW v4.2 and UPP v4.0.1. I'd like to put in wrfout files accumulated surface precipitation only for the period that indicated in history_interval parameter of namelist.input file. By defalt each output file store precipitation of all previous time period! How to do it? (I put in namelist file parameter prec_acc_dt with value equals to history_interval's value, but it didn't change anything!)
Can you attach your namelist.input file and please send a couple of your wrfout.d01* files so that I can take a look? If the wrfout files are too large, take a look at the home page of this forum for information on sending large files. Thanks!
Hi kwerner,
When I run the command:
$ wgrib -v WRFPRS_d01.27 | grep APCP
I receive:
308:7114270:D=2021020500:APCP:sfc:kpds=61,1,0:0-27hr acc:winds in grid direction:"Total precipitation [kg/m^2]


  • namelist.input
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Thanks for sending those. Can you also send the wrfout file for the next time frame (hour 06)? If it's quick to upload, go ahead and sent the hour 09 file, as well, but if it takes too long, I don't think I really need that one. Thanks!

I just look into your nc files and found the params PREC_ACC_C PREC_ACC_NC SNOW_ACC_NC. These are the output variables from setting prec_acc_dt. So, it seems ok at first. Maybe, I can help you or can give an idea.

Yesterday, I did the same for my simulations because I need hourly precipitation not total precipitation over the whole run. OK, I need it in grib1, maybe you need grib2. I use WRF4.2 and UPP4.1.

You wrote you use UPP for postprocessing. So, are you looking for precipitation after the postprocess? Grib1 / Grib2?

If so, look at UPP directory parm and the files, e.g. for grib1 wrf_ cntrl.parm. Go to

L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000)
L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000)
L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000)

Set first 0 to 1.

In my case I found

307:2499912:d=21012912:APCP:kpds5=61:kpds6=1:kpds7=0:TR=4:p1=0:p2=3:TimeU=1:sfc:0-3hr acc:NAve=0
313:2537224:d=21012912:APCP:kpds5=61:kpds6=1:kpds7=0:TR=4:p1=2:p2=3:TimeU=1:sfc:2-3hr acc:NAve=0

For grib2 check these files:
post_avlflds.xml, postcntrl.xml, postxconfig-NT-WRF.txt. Maybe have to be modified for this. Check user guide in attachment, if not done.
Another hint, look into something like RQFLD.f in UPP/sorc/nc.... The names of the params are stated there like BUCKET TOTAL PRECIP.

I hope I could help a bit.
Best regards


  • upp-users-guide-v4.1.pdf
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