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Adding outer domain to pre-existing 2-domain configuration


New member
I am working on a project that is running multiple high-resolution (3 km) simulations of events spanning the entire 20-th and 21-st centuries. We have completed all but one of our events after 1940 (~25 events total) using ERA5 as our forcing dataset with a 9-3 km two-domain nesting setup. We are now trying to add 6 events that occurred prior to 1940 using the NOAA 20th-Century Reanalysis v3 as the forcing dataset. Given the coarses resolution of this dataset, we would like to add a 27-km outer domain to the current domain configuration.

The question is, can we retain the exact configuration of our two domains while adding an outer domain? All of the methods used for designing domains in WRF are done from the outside in, but we are hoping to the opposite. Thank you!
Yes, you should be able to do that without any issues! If you run into any problems, let us know.
I am working on a project that is running multiple high-resolution (3 km) simulations of events spanning the entire 20-th and 21-st centuries. We have completed all but one of our events after 1940 (~25 events total) using ERA5 as our forcing dataset with a 9-3 km two-domain nesting setup. We are now trying to add 6 events that occurred prior to 1940 using the NOAA 20th-Century Reanalysis v3 as the forcing dataset. Given the coarses resolution of this dataset, we would like to add a 27-km outer domain to the current domain configuration.

The question is, can we retain the exact configuration of our two domains while adding an outer domain? All of the methods used for designing domains in WRF are done from the outside in, but we are hoping to the opposite. Thank you!

This might help. It's a side project I'm working on that's not in conjuncture with NCAR. It might help you zoom in on your namelist.wps. You can open the namelist.wps and see the domains and then add domains above it. Or it should, it's still in alpha development
Thanks William. After kwerner replied, I revisited your tool, which I used to set up the domains originally and noticed the button to add a parent domain to d01. It worked great, but gave a slightly ambiguous error when I had d02 accidentally selected and tried to add a parent domain. I quickly realized the mistake and figured it out.

This might help. It's a side project I'm working on that's not in conjuncture with NCAR. It might help you zoom in on your namelist.wps. You can open the namelist.wps and see the domains and then add domains above it. Or it should, it's still in alpha development
Thanks William. After kwerner replied, I revisited your tool, which I used to set up the domains originally and noticed the button to add a parent domain to d01. It worked great, but gave a slightly ambiguous error when I had d02 accidentally selected and tried to add a parent domain. I quickly realized the mistake and figured it out.
glad it was helpful for you