I want to analyze the ABL changes above sea ice using WRF SCM (for preliminary tests). The simulation is run for 30 hours, starting at 6pm on 27 February, the location: Bohnia Bay Baltic Sea.
For the couple of weeks I have been testing different parameterizations and finally came up with the best one, however I have some problems with albedo. When I use seaice_albedo_opt 0 and define an albedo (from 0.3 to 0.65) I have way too much moisture in the atmosphere (high RH) but the temperature profile looks ok (higher during the day, low during the night), the same for wind speed-it agrees relatively well with observations. However, when I use seaice_albedo_opt = 1 I have much lower amount of moisture in the atmosphere, RH~50%, but temperature profile through the day and night is flat- which is of course not possible. What is more, when I checked how albedo changes throughout 24 hours of the simulation (seaice_albedo_opt=1 )-it basically remained the same (0.65).
How is all this possible?
View attachment namelist.input
I want to analyze the ABL changes above sea ice using WRF SCM (for preliminary tests). The simulation is run for 30 hours, starting at 6pm on 27 February, the location: Bohnia Bay Baltic Sea.
For the couple of weeks I have been testing different parameterizations and finally came up with the best one, however I have some problems with albedo. When I use seaice_albedo_opt 0 and define an albedo (from 0.3 to 0.65) I have way too much moisture in the atmosphere (high RH) but the temperature profile looks ok (higher during the day, low during the night), the same for wind speed-it agrees relatively well with observations. However, when I use seaice_albedo_opt = 1 I have much lower amount of moisture in the atmosphere, RH~50%, but temperature profile through the day and night is flat- which is of course not possible. What is more, when I checked how albedo changes throughout 24 hours of the simulation (seaice_albedo_opt=1 )-it basically remained the same (0.65).
How is all this possible?
View attachment namelist.input