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Albedo-diurnal variations of temperature problem

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I want to analyze the ABL changes above sea ice using WRF SCM (for preliminary tests). The simulation is run for 30 hours, starting at 6pm on 27 February, the location: Bohnia Bay Baltic Sea.

For the couple of weeks I have been testing different parameterizations and finally came up with the best one, however I have some problems with albedo. When I use seaice_albedo_opt 0 and define an albedo (from 0.3 to 0.65) I have way too much moisture in the atmosphere (high RH) but the temperature profile looks ok (higher during the day, low during the night), the same for wind speed-it agrees relatively well with observations. However, when I use seaice_albedo_opt = 1 I have much lower amount of moisture in the atmosphere, RH~50%, but temperature profile through the day and night is flat- which is of course not possible. What is more, when I checked how albedo changes throughout 24 hours of the simulation (seaice_albedo_opt=1 )-it basically remained the same (0.65).

How is all this possible?
View attachment namelist.input
1) Can you let me know which version of the model you are using?
2) When you set seaice_albedo_opt = 1, is that the only thing you change in the namelist?
3) Which exact variables are you looking at (T and ALBEDO)?

Thanks for your reply.

1. WRF V 3.8.1
2. Yes,it is the only thing I change.
3. I am loking at T2 and Q2.
Thanks for that information. Just as a test, can you try this with version 4.2? I ran a test with V4.2 and when I have seaice_albedo_opt = 1, I am seeing some gradual variation in the values for T2 and Q2. Let me know what you find. Thanks!