I try to assimilate AHI data through WRFDA 3dvar system, but unfortunately, I meet some problem like:
(the following is a part of content in rsl.out.0000)
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 223
NETCDF4 read error for: observation date
observation date: 0 0 0 0 0
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 237
NETCDF4 read error for: Latitude of Observation Point
vlatitude(pixel=1,scan=1): 0.0000000E+00
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 254
NETCDF4 read error for: Longitude of Observation Point
vlongitude(pixel=1,scan=1): 0.0000000E+00
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 1 ): 285.2106
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 2 ): 235.1190
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 3 ): 235.1190
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 4 ): 235.1190
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 5 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 6 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 7 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 8 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 9 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 10 ): 240.1282
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 302
NETCDF4 read error for: satellite zenith angle
satellite zenith angle(pixel=1,scan=1): 90.00000
In file: L1AHITBR got num_ahi_file : 0
In file: L1AHITBR got num_ahi_global : 0
In file: L1AHITBR got num_ahi_local : 0
AHI data counts:
In file: 0
Global : 0
Local : 0
Used : 0
Thinned: 0
It seems that no AHI data is used in the process of assimilation. I don't know how to solve this mistake.
As a supplement, the L1 radiance data at single time in NetCDF format that I use is derived from directory /jma/netcdf under ftp://ftp.ptree.jaxa.jp/, and I rename it (NC_H08_20200714_1200_R21_FLDK.06001_06001.nc) L1AHITBR.
Welcome any suggestion!
Best regards
I try to assimilate AHI data through WRFDA 3dvar system, but unfortunately, I meet some problem like:
(the following is a part of content in rsl.out.0000)
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 223
NETCDF4 read error for: observation date
observation date: 0 0 0 0 0
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 237
NETCDF4 read error for: Latitude of Observation Point
vlatitude(pixel=1,scan=1): 0.0000000E+00
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 254
NETCDF4 read error for: Longitude of Observation Point
vlongitude(pixel=1,scan=1): 0.0000000E+00
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 1 ): 285.2106
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 2 ): 235.1190
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 3 ): 235.1190
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 4 ): 235.1190
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 5 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 6 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 7 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 8 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 9 ): 260.1648
tbb(pixel=1,scan=1,chan= 10 ): 240.1282
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
WARNING FROM FILE: da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc LINE: 302
NETCDF4 read error for: satellite zenith angle
satellite zenith angle(pixel=1,scan=1): 90.00000
In file: L1AHITBR got num_ahi_file : 0
In file: L1AHITBR got num_ahi_global : 0
In file: L1AHITBR got num_ahi_local : 0
AHI data counts:
In file: 0
Global : 0
Local : 0
Used : 0
Thinned: 0
It seems that no AHI data is used in the process of assimilation. I don't know how to solve this mistake.
As a supplement, the L1 radiance data at single time in NetCDF format that I use is derived from directory /jma/netcdf under ftp://ftp.ptree.jaxa.jp/, and I rename it (NC_H08_20200714_1200_R21_FLDK.06001_06001.nc) L1AHITBR.
Welcome any suggestion!
Best regards