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cdi warning when calculate monthly mean value


New member
I encountered the following issue while working with output files from the WRF-Chem model. I want to calculate the daily and monthly averages of PM2.5 using the output files with a 6-hour resolution. Therefore, I used the following bash command:

for file in wrfout_d01_2023-01-??_00:00:00; do
cdo timmean $file ${file};

However, I received the following error message:

cdi warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLAT!
cdi warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLONG!
cdi warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLAT_U!
cdi warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLONG_U!
cdi warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLAT_V!
cdi warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLONG_V!
cdi warning (cdf_check_variables): Unsupported data type (char/string), skipped variable Times!
cdi warning (cdfInqContents): Coordinates variable XTIME can't be assigned!

It seems there are some issues with the coordinate and reference system. Can anyone help me resolve this problem?
ALthough wrfout files are in netCDF format, they don't follow the CF-conventions, and I am suspicious that you cannot directly apply CDO to process wrfout data.

Please take a look at the document here. I guess you will need to make WRF data consistent with CF before using CDO.

I am not an CDO expert, and may not be 100% right. Please keep me updated if you find a solution for this issue, just in case other users may have the same problem. Thanks in advance.