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Clarification for cudt variable in namelist


Active member
cudt: 0 minutes between cumulus physics calls; set to 0 (call every time step) when using all cu_physics options except Kain-Fritsch; set all domains to the same value max_dom

cu_physics                          = 11, 0,                                     ! Cumulus parameterization scheme for each domain
 cudt                                = 5,  5,                                     ! Time step for cumulus schemes (in minutes) for each domain

So based on the description cudt should be 0 , 0 or 5 , 0?
The cudt option works for Multi-scale Kain-Fritsch scheme. It can be 0 or 5, indicating the cumulus scheme will be called every time step ( cudt=0) or every 5-minute (cudt=5).