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Climate change simulations with MPAS-A

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Good morning,
First of all, I've had some issues with the model in the past but it is now fully operational in our cluster! I appreciate the help that was given until now in this forum. Thank you.

I'm new to MPAS and I've never run WRF, so this question might seems strange, but is it possible to run Climate Change scenarios with MPAS? I can't seem to find any information about it anywhere, only for WRF. If it is possible, how could I go about doing it?
Can anyone help me out here? Still haven't found anything that eludes to climate change in MPAS.

The MPAS-Atmosphere model that is available through the MPAS-Model GitHub repository is a stand-alone atmosphere model, without coupling to any of the other MPAS component models (ocean, land ice, and sea ice). The stand-alone MPAS-Atmosphere model does include a land-surface model -- the Noah model -- and the ability to provide time-varying, prescribed sea surface temperatures and fractional sea ice coverage.

We are working to implement the dynamical core from MPAS-Atmosphere into the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) in the Community Earth System Model (CESM), but that work won't likely be supported to the general community for a while.

The answer to your question may in part depend on exactly what you mean when you say that you'd like to run climate change scenarios. Can you elaborate on what specifically you'd like to do, and what model capabilities that would require?
mgduda said:
The MPAS-Atmosphere model that is available through the MPAS-Model GitHub repository is a stand-alone atmosphere model, without coupling to any of the other MPAS component models (ocean, land ice, and sea ice). The stand-alone MPAS-Atmosphere model does include a land-surface model -- the Noah model -- and the ability to provide time-varying, prescribed sea surface temperatures and fractional sea ice coverage.

We are working to implement the dynamical core from MPAS-Atmosphere into the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) in the Community Earth System Model (CESM), but that work won't likely be supported to the general community for a while.

The answer to your question may in part depend on exactly what you mean when you say that you'd like to run climate change scenarios. Can you elaborate on what specifically you'd like to do, and what model capabilities that would require?

I was going to use WRF and run simulations in two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) centered around 2050, with the goal of calculating renewable wind and solar energy potential in the future with the wind speeds, incident solar radiation, etc.
But then I found MPAS and thought that it would be great to implement it and compare some of its results and run times to WRF. And if MPAS behaved better than WRF in our system I would like to run the RCP scenarios in MPAS instead of WRF.

Does that make any sense?