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Converting Geotiff Based Land Use Data into WRF Available One


New member
Hi! I am confusing with the land use category mapping with the Geotiff data from jaxa.
My original Geotiff data is from here.
(Coordinate system and category numbers are listed in this page. Notice the category order is not followed as MODIS 21 category's or USGS category's.)

To utilize this new high resolution land use/cover data.
I tried to mapping them by convert_geotiff from here.

However, generated index shows it is not a wgs84 projection but regular_lan-lon one.
And I am also not entering mminlu and other variables to avoid miss mapping.

To correctly mapping them. Should I edit Geotiff files firstly to correctly map these categories into USGS or MODIS standard?


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Coordinate system problem resolved and reclassification is achieved by QGIS, but correctly feeding the classification is quite a problem to upgrade the precesion of the simulation.
I guess you may need to match the landuse type from your data with the MODIS landuse type currently used in WPS/WRF.
One good example can be found in module_sf_clm.F, in which the plant type is matched with either USGS or MODIS landuse. Please see the following piece of codes:
 if(num_landcover_types== 24.or. num_landcover_types==28) then ! USGS
      plant(:,1) = (/ 0,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15, &
                            14,   9,   9,  14,   7,   3, &
                             4,   1,   1,   0,   0,   4, &
                            11,  11,   2,  11,  11,   0/)

else if (num_landcover_types== 20.or. num_landcover_types==21) then !MODIS
        plant(:,1) = (/1, 4,  3, 7,  1, 9,  9, 9, 14, 14, &
                       0, 15, 0, 15, 0, 11, 0, 2, 11, 11/)


Probably you can follow the same approach to match landuse type from different sources.
Thank you for your reply!
Though I am not familiar with codes you provided,
your example form CRYOWRF seems not align with my target.
My current plan is to update dataset's resolution for using.

Currently, I am using 30-arc second MODIS 21 category land use data.
To improve the resolution of my landuse data (new data is 0.3-arc-second),
I reclassify my new land use data's classification order into MODIS's order in
, then convert reclassified data into binary files, add them into GEOGRID.TBL and terrain data base(./WPS_GEOG/) to use them.
Plot result from Geogrids seems high resolution data were converted successfully and simulation is available to run.

My current question should be if parameters in LANDUSE.TBL are still valid with the improvement of landuse's resolution?


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