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Data assimilation


New member
Currently I am assimilating local meaurements and satellite data (scatterometer) in a nested regional WRF model.
MPAS can be run as a limited-area or regional model. Is it possible to assimilate local measurements in this MPAS version?
If this is the case, which data-assimilation techniques are available: nudging, 3DVAR, 4DVAR???
MPAS-Atmosphere can be run for both global and limited-area domains. Two data assimilation efforts with support for MPAS-Atmosphere that I'm aware of are DART and JEDI, though I've never personally used either of these.
Dear Michael, thanks for answering. It seems that MPAS is not yet used for operational work, but more like an advanced scientific tool.
Do you agree? Are you aware of operational usage of MPAS?
I think the statement that MPAS is primarily and advanced scientific research tool is not entirely inaccurate. The only operational use of MPAS-Atmosphere that I'm aware of is by IBM / The Weather Company, where the system in which MPAS-Atmosphere is used is called GRAF.