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Data Format Issues Related to .bin Files


New member
Hi all.
I'm using PRE-CHEM-SRC to generate file for WRF following the exercise2(NOAA - Global Systems Laboratory).
Unfortunately the convert_emiss can't run well. So I had to write my own Python program to convert the .bin file generated by PRE-CHEM-SRC into the .nc format.
However, when I used float32 and float64 to read the wrf_gocart_backg.bin file, the data count was 270,467, while my domain grid is 40*40. These numbers don’t seem to have an integer multiple relationship.
Is there an issue with my reading format, or is the .bin file generated by PRE-CHEM-SRC not aligned with the grid? What should I do to convert them to files that WRF can use?
Thanks for any help.