is there documentation available about the usage of auxinput-steream (and auxhist-stream?) as they are currently used in WRF? What I got so far is:
- auxinput1 for met_em files
- auxinput2 for ndown/fine_input_stream
- auxinput4 for wrflowinput/SST
- auxinput5 and auxinput6 for WRF-CHEM
thx for the help
is there documentation available about the usage of auxinput-steream (and auxhist-stream?) as they are currently used in WRF? What I got so far is:
- auxinput1 for met_em files
- auxinput2 for ndown/fine_input_stream
- auxinput4 for wrflowinput/SST
- auxinput5 and auxinput6 for WRF-CHEM
thx for the help