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documentation on auxinput and auxhist usage


New member
is there documentation available about the usage of auxinput-steream (and auxhist-stream?) as they are currently used in WRF? What I got so far is:
- auxinput1 for met_em files
- auxinput2 for ndown/fine_input_stream
- auxinput4 for wrflowinput/SST
- auxinput5 and auxinput6 for WRF-CHEM

thx for the help
Unfortunately I don't think there is anything documented about this. When I started several years ago, I asked the same question and luckily I still have the notes I took at the time. In addition to what you've determined, this is the information I was given and I hope it helps!

we have streams 0-24
0 is for wrfout
23 is for pressure level output
3 is for extreme climate
2 is AFWA
6 is RASM diagnostics
generally using anything above 10 (except 23) is recommended for other options, such as the runtime I/O option.
unfortunate but thx for your input!
I found a bunch more and adding those to your info the list I compiled so far reads:

- auxinput1 for met_em files
- auxinput2 for ndown/fine_input_stream
- auxinput4 for wrflowinput/SST
- auxinput5 and auxinput6 for WRF-CHEM
- auxinput11 for ObsNudging
- auxinput17 used with qna_update = 1

- auxhist0 is for wrfout
- auxhist2 is AFWA
- auxhist3 is for extreme climate
- auxhist6 is RASM diagnostics
- auxhist22 is for height-above-ground level output
- auxhist23 is for pressure level output
I use the 7 stream for additional high-frequency output (to avoid outputting the entire wrfout file at a ridiculous rate). Are the streams above "reserved", meaning if you try to use them for something else, they fail?
as far as I understood it, it is primarily in the users responsibility to not use an aux-stream which is already in by some special option of WRF and there are not checks or "reservations" implemented
In that user manual, some corrections may be needed
  1. -:h:0:RAINC,RAINNC removes the fields RAINC and RAINNC from the standard history file (stream 0).
    -:h:7:RAINC,RAINNC adds the fields RAINC and RAINNC to an output stream 7, which creates a separate file from the wrfout* files
    + or - : add or remove a variable

    Here in second line they have mentioned -:h but explained adds the fields

    @kwerner Kindly look a glance in that.