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Dry deposition for a new chemical species

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all,

I am trying to add a new chemical species to WRF-Chem V4.0. For this I have added the species (co_trans) to registry.chem and provided the information in mozcart.spc, mozcart.eqn. I want this species to undergo dry deposition as the same rate as carbon monoxide. Since I am using MOZCART (chem_opt = 112), I have provided the fields (hstar, f0,dvj and dhr) for the case chm_is_moz in module_dep_simple.F as same as CO. The model compiles successfully but crashes on run with gas_dry_dep = 1. I am attaching the registry and module_dep_simple.F with the post. Kindly provide suggestion on how to get new species to have same deposition rate as that of original CO. Thanks


  • module_dep_simple.F
    168.9 KB · Views: 14
  • registry_chem.txt
    610.8 KB · Views: 12

This is likely due to where in the Registry chem list that you placed co_trans. Currently, you have it as the last species (i.e., after p10), however, some parts of the code use a parameter called "last_gas" to determine how many gas species there are (numgas), which are used to set up array sizes among other things. For chem_opt = 112, this is the species meko2. Try moving co_trans to just before meko2 in the list, i.e., in registry.chem:

# KPP mechanism from mozart + gocart
package mozcart_kpp chem_opt==112 - chem:eek:3,o1d_cb4,o,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hno3,hno4,so2,ho,ho2,h2o2,sulf,co,hcho,ch3ooh,ch3o2,ch4,h2,eo2,ch3cooh,c2h4,n2o,ch3oh,aco3,acet,mgly,paa,gly,c3h6ooh,pan,mpan,macr,mvk,c3h6,etooh,prooh,acetp,xooh,onitr,isooh,acetol,glyald,mek,eto2,open,alkooh,mekooh,tolooh,terpooh,ald,mco3,c2h5oh,eo,c2h6,c3h8,pro2,po2,aceto2,bigene,bigalk,eneo2,alko2,isopr,iso2,mvko2,mvkooh,hydrald,xo2,c10h16,terpo2,tol,cres,to2,xoh,onit,isopn,dms,nh3,co_trans,meko2,p25,bc1,bc2,oc1,oc2,dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5,seas_1,seas_2,seas_3,seas_4,p10

Make sure you also perform a "./clean -a" before you recompile.
