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Dust flux tuning in WRF-Chem GOCART


New member
I'm trying to tune dust flux in the original WRF-Chem GOCART module by changing the current tuning constant (C=0.8D-9) in chem/chemics_init.F. I'm using option 300 (GOCART simple aerosol scheme, no ozone chemistry) and dust_opt=1 (GOCART). After performing simulations with different constants i.e., 0.2D-9, 0.5D-9, and 0.8D-9, all of these constants in terms of the dust amount (both in concentration and vertically integrated) look similar. What is the best way to properly tuned these constants? I appreciate the help.
I'm trying to tune dust flux in the original WRF-Chem GOCART module by changing the current tuning constant (C=0.8D-9) in chem/chemics_init.F. I'm using option 300 (GOCART simple aerosol scheme, no ozone chemistry) and dust_opt=1 (GOCART). After performing simulations with different constants i.e., 0.2D-9, 0.5D-9, and 0.8D-9, all of these constants in terms of the dust amount (both in concentration and vertically integrated) look similar. What is the best way to properly tuned these constants? I appreciate the help.
Hello, I am also simulating dust transport. I have set up two nested domains, but when running WRF-Chem, various errors keep popping up. I'm unsure how to modify the namelist.input file to resolve these issues. The attachment below is my namelist file, thank you very much。


  • namelist.input
    8.2 KB · Views: 6
  • namelist.wps
    888 bytes · Views: 2
  • 44fb56bad615674e5f6e48bec11bb44.png
    18 KB · Views: 5