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Encounter an error during MPAS compilation


New member
Hello, I am currently attempting to compile and run MPAS-CMAQ, but I have encountered some issues during the compilation of MPAS. I believe the problem most likely resides with MPAS rather than CMAQ, which is why I am seeking assistance here.
I have encountered the following error:
I have attached my environment setup, the steps I followed during the process, and the log file from the make process for your reference.


  • workflow.pdf
    290 KB · Views: 1
  • mylog.txt
    4.2 KB · Views: 1
BTW,I did not use the method or the version provided by to install the library files. However, the versions I used have already been tested on the server where I am located and should be compatible.
I look forward to your response!
Hi, thanks for the info provided and the workflow document.

You may not have the NETCDF and PIO variables in your environment when you are running your make command. I don't see the paths you set for PIO, NETCDF, and PNETCDF in workflow.pdf in the CPPINCLUDES or FCINCLUDES lines of the mylog.txt file.

You want to make sure the pio_test target runs successfully before removing it from the Makefile. The problems you're seeing can be checked easily with the PIO programs the pio_test creates.
Hi, thanks for the info provided and the workflow document.

You may not have the NETCDF and PIO variables in your environment when you are running your make command. I don't see the paths you set for PIO, NETCDF, and PNETCDF in workflow.pdf in the CPPINCLUDES or FCINCLUDES lines of the mylog.txt file.

You want to make sure the pio_test target runs successfully before removing it from the Makefile. The problems you're seeing can be checked easily with the PIO programs the pio_test creates.
Thank you for your help! I will check it out.