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ERROR: Grib2 file or date problem, stopping in edition_num.


New member
Hello, I had an error when running ungrib.exe in WPS. I utilized CDO to view my grib2 file, there is nothing wrong compared to the example file.
Also i checked ungrib.log, it showed the same error statement. I don't know how to solve it.
Can you run WPS/util/g2print.exe to read the GRIB2 data?

Also, please take a look at this post, which explains how to fix a similar issue. Hope this is helpful for you.
Thank you so much for reply!

After reding the data with g2print, I found that possibly the Vtable can't read data of a whole month. And I am trying to change the format or to extract the data every 6 hours.
Thanks for the update. Please confirm that your original data contains multiple times of data, --- if this us the case, yes ungrib cannot handle such kind of single file that have multi-time data.