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ERROR on the WRF 4.3. ERROR: The reference pressure is not monotonically decreasing. This tends to be caused by very high topography


New member
I am using the WRF4.3 to runing the EU area. But when I running teh ./real.exe, i am faceing this probelem. and also it can't be solved also after I setting the 'etac = 0.15'. Can I have any suggestions? Attached are namelist.imput and rsl_error.I really appreciate it.


  • namelist.input
    4 KB · Views: 5
  • rsl_error_0008.txt
    190.8 KB · Views: 2
In your namelist.input, you set P_TOP= 80000, which doesn't look correct. Is there any special reason you wnat such a low model top?