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ERROR on the WRF 4.3. ERROR: The reference pressure is not monotonically decreasing. This tends to be caused by very high topography


New member
I am using the WRF4.3 to runing the EU area. But when I running teh ./real.exe, i am faceing this probelem. and also it can't be solved also after I setting the 'etac = 0.15'. Can I have any suggestions? Attached are namelist.imput and rsl_error.I really appreciate it.


  • namelist.input
    4 KB · Views: 5
  • rsl_error_0008.txt
    190.8 KB · Views: 2
In your namelist.input, you set P_TOP= 80000, which doesn't look correct. Is there any special reason you wnat such a low model top?
I encountered the same issue when attempting to reproduce a paper using the parameter setting p_top = 50,000.

The problem was ultimately resolved by reducing both the p_top and etac values while increasing e_vert.
Thanks for the update. Yes these options must be set reasonably, otherwise the model will crash with weird error message.

Just for your information, probably you want to read this document , which describes physics and dynamics and grid structures of WRF. It is very helpful for people to better implement WRF.