I am having a strange problem running real.exe in wrf v4.4. The program seems to stop after running for a fixed number of timesteps. The error is:
error opening met_em.d01.2004-04-22_12:00:00.nc for input; bad date in namelist or file not in directory
If I change the begin date, the error also shifts by the same amount of time. So I know that the problem is not due to problem in the met_em* file. The above date runs successfully if I change the begin date. My guess is that real program is unable to write to the wrfbdy* or wrfin* file after exceeding certain size. I had used export WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1 so it should not be the cause but somehow I still get this error.
This problem was discussed in two earlier posts but a solution was not proposed, only a workaround by running real.exe multiple times was proposed:
Running real.exe multiple times is tedious for long runs. So any help regarding this error is highly appreciated.
I am having a strange problem running real.exe in wrf v4.4. The program seems to stop after running for a fixed number of timesteps. The error is:
error opening met_em.d01.2004-04-22_12:00:00.nc for input; bad date in namelist or file not in directory
If I change the begin date, the error also shifts by the same amount of time. So I know that the problem is not due to problem in the met_em* file. The above date runs successfully if I change the begin date. My guess is that real program is unable to write to the wrfbdy* or wrfin* file after exceeding certain size. I had used export WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1 so it should not be the cause but somehow I still get this error.
This problem was discussed in two earlier posts but a solution was not proposed, only a workaround by running real.exe multiple times was proposed:

real.exe stops with error bad date in namelist or file not in directory
Hello, I'm using wrf version 4.0 to downscale EC-EARTH data to a 5km grid for an entire year. I have three nested domains, d01, d02 and d03, with 45 x 10 x 5 km resolution and the following dimensions: e_we =115, 145, 181, e_sn = 91, 106, 157, I have already all the met_em files linked in the...

Real.exe stuck on particular met_em file, no errors
I am trying to run a 12km 'test' run of WRF using ERA5 input data. I have moved all of the grib files over from HPSS and ungrib as well as metgrid ran without errors. However, the real.exe program is not completing. It runs fine until a particular met_em file, and then cheyenne kills the job...

Running real.exe multiple times is tedious for long runs. So any help regarding this error is highly appreciated.
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