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Error while running ungrib.exe for SST data


New member
Hi, I downloaded the SST data from Index of /data/sea-surface-temperature-optimum-interpolation/v2.1/access/avhrr and converted them from netcdf to grib format to run ungrib.exe. I converted them using the command cdo -f grb copy .nc .grb . I now when I am running model I following error message popsup
Inventory for date =

Subroutine DATINT: Interpolating 3-d files to fill in any missing data...
Looking for data at time 2024-06-29_00
ERROR: Data not found: 2024-06-29_00:00:00.0000

i used the Vtable.SST and the namelist is attached below


  • namelist (5).wps
    751 bytes · Views: 0
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried to convert the .nc files to the intermediate format using the attached python code but when I tried to run ungrib by linking the intermediate format SST files. which are in .nc format the below error pops up. I am still using Vtable.SST
*** Starting program ungrib.exe ***
Start_date = 2024-06-29_00:00:00 , End_date = 2024-07-09_00:00:00
output format is WPS
Path to intermediate files is ./
ERROR: Grib2 file or date problem, stopping in edition_num.
Could you help me with this ?


  • python_intermediate.txt
    2.3 KB · Views: 0
The "ungrib" program is designed to process data in GRIB format, and output the data in intermediate format. It cannot process netCDF format data.

If your input data is in netCDF format, you can skip running 'ungrib'. Instead, please read the netCDF data and output the data in intermediate format, which can then be used as input to 'metgrid'.

The intermediate format and related Fortran codes can be found at:
Chapter 3: WRF Standard Initialization