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Error while trying to create


Dear MPAS users,
I am using MPAS 8.2 to create a static file for a quasi uniform 10km resolution mesh for a regional simulation. While doing so I am getting the error as listed below:
--- start interpolate SOILCOMP
ERROR: Could not find an 'index' file in geotile directory: /home/user/WRF/WPS_GEOG/soilgrids/soilcomp/
CRITICAL ERROR: Error occurred initializing interpolation for /home/user/WRF/WPS_GEOG/soilgrids/soilcomp/

If any one can help me in this by saying how to solve this problem it will be much appreciated.

Even if you don't intend to use the Noah-MP LSM in your simulations, the MPAS v8.2 release still requires the five new Noah-MP static fields soilcomp, soilcl1, soilcl2, soilcl3, and soilcl4 to be processed along with other static fields in the init_atmosphere core. Downloading updated static geographical datasets from and referring to those with the config_geog_data_path namelist option in your namelist.init_atmosphere file should resolve the error you're seeing.