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Errors running REAL, but can't find in namelist


New member

I'm running WRFv4.4.1 Intel and dmpar.
Classic netcdf without compression and no pnetcdf.
WPS is v4.4

I have a fatal error while running REAL.

NOTE: 1 namelist settings are wrong. Please check and reset these options

I'm assuming <stdin> here is coming from the WRF namelist.output?
If so, namelist.output is only 2023 lines in size.
Where else is REAL taking namelist input from?

There are also a few errors in the log that I've never seen before regarding RRTMG-K. I've compiled with as default flags as possible.
It's a short log so I'm adding here as text.

taskid: 0 hostname: cnode1091
module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 T
Ntasks in X 1 , ntasks in Y 1
No physics suite selected.
Physics options will be used directly from the namelist.
Domain # 1: dx = 18000.000 m
Domain # 2: dx = 6000.000 m
--- ERROR: ghg_input available only for these radiation schemes: CAM, RRTM, RRTMG, RRTMG_fast
And the LW and SW schemes must be reasonably paired together:
OK = RRTM, RRTMG LW or SW, RRTMG_fast LW or SW may be mixed
--- WARNING: traj_opt is zero, but num_traj is not zero; setting num_traj to zero.
--- NOTE: sst_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains
--- NOTE: sst_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains
--- NOTE: qna_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput17 = 0 and auxinput17_interval = 0 for all domains
--- NOTE: qna_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput17 = 0 and auxinput17_interval = 0 for all domains
--- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain 1, setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.
--- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain 1, setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.
--- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain 2, setting gfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.
--- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain 2, setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.
--- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain 2, setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.
--- NOTE: bl_pbl_physics /= 4, implies mfshconv must be 0, resetting
Need MYNN PBL for icloud_bl = 1, resetting to 0
--- ERROR: RRTMG-based KIAPS schemes must be built with a default compile-time flag
--- ERROR: Run ./clean -a, ./configure, ./compile scripts again
--- NOTE: RRTMG radiation is used, namelist value for o3input (ozone input) is used
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
NOTE: 1 namelist settings are wrong. Please check and reset these options
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0
[unset]: write_line error; fd=-1 buf=:cmd=abort exitcode=1
system msg for write_line failure : Bad file descriptor
The real.exe program reads the namelist.input file. Can you attach your namelist.input file, as well as the configure.wrf file from when you compiled the code? Thanks!
Hi @kwerner

Thanks for having a look. I should've attached these initially!
The namelist.input only has 176 lines though.

I've also attached the log of the compile.
Unfortunately stdout and stderr are separate in the log but could shed some light.


  • configure.wrf.txt
    23.7 KB · Views: 4
  • namelist.input.txt
    7.3 KB · Views: 24
  • pbs.compil.err.txt
    24.4 KB · Views: 2
  • pbs.compil.out.txt
    872.1 KB · Views: 2
Thanks for sending those. So the error message in your real.exe output is
--- ERROR: RRTMG-based KIAPS schemes must be built with a default compile-time flag
--- ERROR: Run ./clean -a, ./configure, ./compile scripts again
--- NOTE: RRTMG radiation is used, namelist value for o3input (ozone input) is used
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
NOTE: 1 namelist settings are wrong. Please check and reset these options

Because you are using the RRTMG KIAPS radiation schemes, the code must be built with a specific compiler flag. If you take a look in the configure.wrf file, look for this line:

You'll need to change that "0" to a "1."

I would recommend going back to the top WRF directory and issue a 'clean -a' and then reconfigure. Once you do that, open the configure.wrf file and set that 0 to a 1, then save the file and then recompile the code. After that, you should be able to use this radiation scheme.
Ok the last note threw me off. I thought it had something to do with the namelist.
I did try to run with just the normal RRTMG and it ran fine.
I've compiled now for RRTMK enabled and will see.

Is there some documentation on any other compile time features?
I've looked in the compile guide and user guide and see nothing.
I see in the resulting configure.wrf there's a flag for RRTMG Fast as well.
I glanced through the Users' Guide and did not see anything about this requirement, so I just modified chapter 5 of the Users' Guide to add in this information. Thanks for pointing out the fact that it seemed to be missing!