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Facing ERROR: Ran out of valid boundary conditions in file wrfbdy_d01


New member
Greeting, I tried to run the WRF model for five days for the first time. At the end of the result shown


---- ERROR: Ran out of valid boundary conditions in file wrfbdy_d01

Before running the program, I ensured that I had completed every step and checked the data. I will attach the photo of the error and namelist files (the date in namelist file is not correct ,but in the program I already set it).

If you guys know how to fix this problem, please do not hesitate to let me know.

link for namelist files: namelist files - Google Drive

Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 2.16.11 PM.png
Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 2.34.14 PM.png
your namelist files for WPS and WRF both are correct.

Please issue the command:

ncdump -v Times wrfbdy_d01 > log, and send me your log file to take a look. Thanks.
Greeting. Thank you fro your reply. Now, I am trying to run on 1 day from 2023-04-11 to 2023-04-12. So, I found the same problem. I attached namelist file, rsl.error.0000 file and wrfbdy_d01 file in the link below

namelist files - Google Drive

I'm looking forward to hearing the clear answer from you, Thank you
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The message in your RSL file ( "ERROR: run out of valid boundary condition...") indicates that your WRF integration period is beyond the period of valid boundary, that is, your boundary data is not long enough to cover the period of your model integration.

This is why i would like to see what time period is included in your wrfbdy by the command :

ncdump -v Times wrfbdy_d01 > log

Your namelist looks fine.