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FATAL: Energy budget problem in NOAHMP LSM


New member
Dear Community,

I have ran a same simulation successfully. When I modified the land cover data slightly (mainly Urban parameters for urban canopy model) and rerun the same simulation, it crashed after almost one month of simulation and shows as follows:

ERRENG = 1.368042 at i,j: 149 91
Net solar: 521.1561
Net longwave: **********
Total sensible: **********
Canopy evap: 0.0000
Ground evap: -3312.9441
Transpiration: 21.8158
Total ground: 47788.1328
Sprinkler: 0.0000
Canopy Heat Stora-2903.9814
Precip advected: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Precip: 0.0000
Veg fraction: 0.9600
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
Energy budget problem in NOAHMP LSM

Do you have any clue how did that happen?

Thanks for your time and attention.
How did you modify your land cover data? Since this case is done successfully without your modification, I suppose the crash is solely caused by the changes you made. You may need to restart the case from the latest wrfrst file before it crashed, and run the model in debug mode to figure when and where the error popped first. That might give you some hints what is wrong.
How did you modify your land cover data? Since this case is done successfully without your modification, I suppose the crash is solely caused by the changes you made. You may need to restart the case from the latest wrfrst file before it crashed, and run the model in debug mode to figure when and where the error popped first. That might give you some hints what is wrong.
Dear Ming,

Thanks for your reply! I used the w2w tool(GitHub - matthiasdemuzere/w2w: A python tool that ingests WUDAPT information into WRF.) to generate two file. The only difference between the two file is that in the second file, I changed the fraction of urban area for each LCZ category FRC_URB2D (a custom lookup table for the LCZ-based urban canopy parameters, GitHub - matthiasdemuzere/w2w: A python tool that ingests WUDAPT information into WRF.). And the simulation crashed with the second file.

For now, I change to use Noah LSM instead of Noah MP LSM and the simulation can be completed successfully.
But I still dont know what is the problem.

We found a bug in NoahMP that is related to LAI when using LCZ data. Please see the details here.
I am not sure whether this is related to the crash you experienced. Please take a look and hope it is helpful.
LCZ is relatively new for us and we are in the learning process to gain more knowledge about it as well as how to specify reasonable values in the LCZ parameter table.
Please keep me updated if you have any new findings. Thanks.