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GHGs and aerosols effect on radiation in WRF-Chem


New member
Hello everyone,

I am a new PhD Student and new in the use of WRF-Chem. For my thesis, I am trying to run multi-year climate runs with WRF-Chem to study the impact of climate change and changing emissions on air quality.

I am using the RADM2-MADE/SORGAM chemical mechanism, which does not include interactive CO2 inside the simulation domains. However, since I also want to include forcing inside the domain and not just from the boundary conditions, I found that I can use the ghg_input namelist variable so that the RRTMG radiation scheme reads in time varying GHG concentrations for the SSP scenario of interest.

This brought up a few questions regarding the use of such namelist variables when using interactive chemistry in WRF-Chem.

For example, the namelist variables ghg_input, 03input and aer_opt specify if the radiation schemes (e.g. RRTMG) will read in default, climatological or time varying data of GHG, O3 and aerosols, in order to take them into account in the radiation calculations.

At the same time, species such as CH4, O3, and aerosols are also interactively calculated through the chemical scheme and taken into account in the calculation of radiation (for example through the option aer_ra_feedback).

Will the impact of aerosols on radiation be double counted if both the aer_opt and aer_ra_feedback options are active?

What is the proper setup if I am interested in the air quality impact of ozone (through the chemistry scheme), but also want to include the effect of stratospheric ozone on sw radiation (whatever portion of it is within my domain)?

Since the RADM2SORG mechanism does not include CO2 but it does include N2O and CH4, will the impact of N2O and CH4 be double counted if I read in the CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.SSP370 through the ghg_input opt??

I would sincerely appreciate any insight on the above.

Thank you in advance,
Giorgos Papadopoulos