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Help Needed: How to correctly modify SHDFRAC for WRF simulation?


New member
Hello Sir/Ma'am,

We wanted to conduct a study to evaluate the impact of urban natural vegetation on air temperature. In order to do that, We have used the default geo_static_data (modis) for our calculation. So we have done two case with different SHDFRAC values (based on my understanding SHDFRAC variable provide the natural vegetation information within non-built region {1-FRC_URB}). Is this assumption is correct?

Also, We made following modifications in VEGPRAM.TBL:
1. Modified SHDFRAC under MODI-RUC (13 - urban) from .10 to .75
2. Modified SHDFRAC from .10 to .75 under MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH (13 - urban and replaced LCZ_1 to 13 from 51). Is this modification correct? When I was using WRF4.2, there where only 3 level of land categories, now they are replaced with a lot (LCZ 1 to 11). So, I am bit confused.

We are not sure which one is correct so I modified both MODI-RUC and MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH.

Yet, We are getting same air temperature. please let us know what should we do to correctly implement the change in natural vegetation.
Please see my answers below:
Hello Sir/Ma'am,

We wanted to conduct a study to evaluate the impact of urban natural vegetation on air temperature. In order to do that, We have used the default geo_static_data (modis) for our calculation. So we have done two case with different SHDFRAC values (based on my understanding SHDFRAC variable provide the natural vegetation information within non-built region {1-FRC_URB}). Is this assumption is correct?

Also, We made following modifications in VEGPRAM.TBL:
1. Modified SHDFRAC under MODI-RUC (13 - urban) from .10 to .75
This is necessary when you run WRF with RUC land module.
2. Modified SHDFRAC from .10 to .75 under MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH (13 - urban and replaced LCZ_1 to 13 from 51). Is this modification correct? When I was using WRF4.2, there where only 3 level of land categories, now they are replaced with a lot (LCZ 1 to 11). So, I am bit confused.

This should be done when you run with Noah/NoahMP LSM.
We are not sure which one is correct so I modified both MODI-RUC and MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH.

Yet, We are getting same air temperature. please let us know what should we do to correctly implement the change in natural vegetation.
Can you upload your namelist.inout for me to take a look?
Thanks Dr. Chen, for your response. I have uploaded the namelist.input, namelist.wps, VEGPARM.TBL, and URBPARM.TBL with this message. Kindly have a look at it.

Our aim is to investigate the effect of street vegetation (not including roof vegetation) on air temperature. Please let us know, whether any of our assumptions are wrong.

Thanks in advance!


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