Hello Sir/Ma'am,
We wanted to conduct a study to evaluate the impact of urban natural vegetation on air temperature. In order to do that, We have used the default geo_static_data (modis) for our calculation. So we have done two case with different SHDFRAC values (based on my understanding SHDFRAC variable provide the natural vegetation information within non-built region {1-FRC_URB}). Is this assumption is correct?
Also, We made following modifications in VEGPRAM.TBL:
1. Modified SHDFRAC under MODI-RUC (13 - urban) from .10 to .75
2. Modified SHDFRAC from .10 to .75 under MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH (13 - urban and replaced LCZ_1 to 13 from 51). Is this modification correct? When I was using WRF4.2, there where only 3 level of land categories, now they are replaced with a lot (LCZ 1 to 11). So, I am bit confused.
We are not sure which one is correct so I modified both MODI-RUC and MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH.
Yet, We are getting same air temperature. please let us know what should we do to correctly implement the change in natural vegetation.
We wanted to conduct a study to evaluate the impact of urban natural vegetation on air temperature. In order to do that, We have used the default geo_static_data (modis) for our calculation. So we have done two case with different SHDFRAC values (based on my understanding SHDFRAC variable provide the natural vegetation information within non-built region {1-FRC_URB}). Is this assumption is correct?
Also, We made following modifications in VEGPRAM.TBL:
1. Modified SHDFRAC under MODI-RUC (13 - urban) from .10 to .75
2. Modified SHDFRAC from .10 to .75 under MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH (13 - urban and replaced LCZ_1 to 13 from 51). Is this modification correct? When I was using WRF4.2, there where only 3 level of land categories, now they are replaced with a lot (LCZ 1 to 11). So, I am bit confused.
We are not sure which one is correct so I modified both MODI-RUC and MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH.
Yet, We are getting same air temperature. please let us know what should we do to correctly implement the change in natural vegetation.