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Help with Obs Nudging problem


New member
Hello! l try to use obs-nudging with WRF run. l use both upper air and surface data in little-r format from website ( ( Meteorological data used in WPS are ERA5 data at 3h time intervals.It successfully generated OBS_DOMAIN101 and metoa_em*. Run ./real.exe worked well and generated wrfinput_d01. But as i run the wrf.exe, each rsl.error.00* file showed a large number of statements similar to
"unknown ob of type FM-88 SATOB", along with error reporting in rsl.error.0011:
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: wrf_fddaobs_in.b LINE: 1120
wrf_fddaobs_in: in4dob STOP 111

Here are my namelist.oa, namelist.input and part of rsl.error.00* files (The complete rsl.error.00* files are 31 files,too large to upload), looking forward to getting your answers!


    3.9 MB · Views: 1
    3.9 MB · Views: 1
  • namelist.input.txt
    6.1 KB · Views: 5
  • namelist.oa.txt
    2.9 KB · Views: 7
Apologies for the delay. I've been out of the office for the past week and 1/2.

Regarding the error messages like "unknown ob of type FM-88 SATOB," I believe you can ignore those, based on the comment I provided in this post (see my comment on March 22nd).

I believe the issue that is making your run stop is related to the chronological order of the observational data. Right above the error message in rsl.error.0011, you'll see this message:

 timeob,rtlast,n=   122.5000       124.4667          111768

So it seems that something is out of order. If you want to look at the specific code for this message, see share/wrf_fddaobs_in.F (around line 1115). If it's not obvious by looking at your OBS_DOMAIN101 file, perhaps the code will help you. You may be able to add some print statements in the code, recompile the code (do not issue a clean -a, or reconfigure) and run it again to see if you can get anything useful printed out - you should find the prints in the rsl.out.* files.
Apologies for the delay. I've been out of the office for the past week and 1/2.

Regarding the error messages like "unknown ob of type FM-88 SATOB," I believe you can ignore those, based on the comment I provided in this post (see my comment on March 22nd).

I believe the issue that is making your run stop is related to the chronological order of the observational data. Right above the error message in rsl.error.0011, you'll see this message:

 timeob,rtlast,n=   122.5000       124.4667          111768

So it seems that something is out of order. If you want to look at the specific code for this message, see share/wrf_fddaobs_in.F (around line 1115). If it's not obvious by looking at your OBS_DOMAIN101 file, perhaps the code will help you. You may be able to add some print statements in the code, recompile the code (do not issue a clean -a, or reconfigure) and run it again to see if you can get anything useful printed out - you should find the prints in the rsl.out.* files.
Thank you for your patience! I think I may have figured out the reason for the error reporting, the time in OBS_DOMAIN101 only goes up to 20230705*, and the namelist is set beyond that.
But strangely, I found that the problem was only there when I used both upper air and ground information, and when I used only ground observations, the model didn't report an error and ended up fine:
Below I give OBS_DOMAIN101 when adding both upper air and surface observations and when adding only surface observations respectively(The OBS_DOMAIN file for adding upper atmospheric and surface observations is too large to upload, even after compression, so I've only put the last 1/3 of it here, omitting the earlier part):


    5.9 MB · Views: 5
    7.7 MB · Views: 1
Thanks for sending those.

1) When you do not use upper-air nudging, does the entire wrf simulation complete without issues?
2) When you do use upper-air nudging, do you get the same error as shown in your initial post, and does it stop immediately, prior to stepping through any timesteps?

I'd like to try to test this out, myself. Can you share the wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 files with me, along with the full OBS_DOMAIN files. As you mentioned, they will be too large to attach here (as will the input/bdy files), so see the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files. Thanks!
Thanks for sending those.

1) When you do not use upper-air nudging, does the entire wrf simulation complete without issues?
2) When you do use upper-air nudging, do you get the same error as shown in your initial post, and does it stop immediately, prior to stepping through any timesteps?

I'd like to try to test this out, myself. Can you share the wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 files with me, along with the full OBS_DOMAIN files. As you mentioned, they will be too large to attach here (as will the input/bdy files), so see the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files. Thanks!
Thank you very much for your continued attention and patient explanations!
1.When I do not use upper-air nudging, the entire WRF simulation completes without any issues.
2.When I use upper-air nudging, I encounter the same error as shown in my initial post, and it stops immediately, before stepping through any timesteps.
I would be more than happy to share my files with you, and I also appreciate your tip on how to upload larger files.But unfortunately, I can't upload files to NEXTCLOUD as the forum homepage asks. Because the upload page on the homepage won't open. I wonder if it's my problem or a problem with the forum account? 微信截图_20240925162657.jpg
It's not just you. It's happening for me too. I'll put in a support ticket to see if I can get this fixed. Thanks for letting me know!
Okay, I think we finally got the link fixed. Can you try again? Thanks!
I am sorry to have taken so many days to get back to you! I've been on holiday for the past few days. I have uploaded the file at:
The file distinguishes between the case of using only ground-based observations and the case of using both ground-based as well as upper-air data. As you can see from the DOMAIN101 file, the DOMAIN101 file in both cases contains incomplete dates, which should logically be reported as an error, but in the former case I ran through it without any problems, and in the latter case it reported an error. At the moment, although I have solved the error reporting, I am still puzzled by the problem.