New member
I am trying to run an experiment where I change the landuse categories around a windfarm to hopefully get better wind speed forecasts. My question branches off of this previous post which is what files should I target in order to change these values? My aim is to create a new landuse category for my area of focus and populate the VEGPARM.TBL with the new category and the associated values for it. From what I gathered from this forum and the user manual, it should be the geographic static data, namely the modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes.tar.bz2 file. Also, what file format is this in and how would I physically go about changing these values? I would love some advice on my approach from someone more experienced in WRF.
Thanks in advance, please let me know if you require any further information.
I am trying to run an experiment where I change the landuse categories around a windfarm to hopefully get better wind speed forecasts. My question branches off of this previous post which is what files should I target in order to change these values? My aim is to create a new landuse category for my area of focus and populate the VEGPARM.TBL with the new category and the associated values for it. From what I gathered from this forum and the user manual, it should be the geographic static data, namely the modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes.tar.bz2 file. Also, what file format is this in and how would I physically go about changing these values? I would love some advice on my approach from someone more experienced in WRF.
Thanks in advance, please let me know if you require any further information.