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How to change the surface roughness of a specified area


New member
Hi, WRF Community:
I'm running the sensitivity experiments on surface roughness. The method I found in WRF Forums is to change the values (Z0MIN and Z0MAX) in VEGPARM.TBL, however, the surface roughness would be modified across the entire model domain if we take this way. So my questions are, is there an easy approach to adjust the surface roughness only in areas we reseached (e.g. 30-40N, 100-105E, or the area with elevations above a certain threshold)? Shoud I change some parameters in geo_em.d<domain> files before running WRF?
Surface roughness in WRF is derived based on values in VEGPARM.TBL and landuse type. Thereby, there is no straight-forward approach to modify its value over a specific area.
You may change landuse type over the specific area, and WRF will generate new roughness length accordingly. However, note that other parameters will change too, and I suppose you cannot isolate the impact of changes in roughness.