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This is a tutorial that will show step by step how to download the WRF-CHEM tutorial data located on the ftp site.
Step 1:
Open a new terminal window
Step 2.
Make a new folder called WRF-Chem-Tutorials
Step 3.
Move to the new folder created in the terminal window
Step 4.
Create 4 new folders for each tutorial exercise
Step 5.
Move to exe001 folder. This is the folder where we will be downloading the exercise 1 data.
Step 6.
Log into FTP server while in exe001 folder
when prompted, type "anonymous" for name
enter your email address as the password
Step 7.
In FTP server move to the exercise 1 data
Step 8.
Download ALL_FILE.tar.gz using the get command which will download the file for exercise 1.
Step 9.
Open a new terminal window, and move to folder exe002
Step 10.
Download the prep-chem-sources.inp file into exe002 folder
Step 11.
Open new terminal window and move to folder exe003
Step 12.
Use the same steps as Step 6 to log into ftp server in exe003 folder.
Step 13.
Move to exercise 003 folder in ftp server terminal
Step 14.
Copy files from each folder to your computer.
When asked for this prompt
Step 15.
Open new terminal window and move to folder exe004
Step 16.
Download namelist.input and prep chem input file from tutorial website
Step 17.
After downloading those files log into ftp server using the same steps as step 6 in exe004 folder
Step 18.
Once logged into ftp server move to global emissions folder for exercise 4
Step 19.
Download the 2015 global emission data for exercise 4.
Step 20.
After that file has downloaded, download the prep chem sources file for 2015
Step 21.
To exit the ftp servers after everrything is done downloading into the folders. Type the following command
You should now have all the files downloaded in their exercise folder. If you want to you can move them into similar folders like the FTP server had them.
- namelist.input
- prep_chem_sources.inp
- global_emissions_v3_24aug2015.tar.gz
- prep_chem_sources_v1.5_24aug2015.tar.gz
- namelist.input
- prep_chem_sources.inp
Thank you to @jordanschnell for answering these questions multiple times on different posts. I used his answers to create this tutorial in one place.
This is a tutorial that will show step by step how to download the WRF-CHEM tutorial data located on the ftp site.
Step 1:
Open a new terminal window
Step 2.
Make a new folder called WRF-Chem-Tutorials
mkdir WRF-CHEM-Tutorials
Step 3.
Move to the new folder created in the terminal window
cd WRF-CHEM-Tutorials
Step 4.
Create 4 new folders for each tutorial exercise
mkdir exe001 exe002 exe003 exe004
Step 5.
Move to exe001 folder. This is the folder where we will be downloading the exercise 1 data.
cd exe001
wget -c https://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/wrf-chem/tutorialexercises/exe001/namelist.input
Step 6.
Log into FTP server while in exe001 folder
ftp aftp.fsl.noaa.gov
enter your email address as the password
Step 7.
In FTP server move to the exercise 1 data
cd taq/tutorialexercises/exe001
Step 8.
Download ALL_FILE.tar.gz using the get command which will download the file for exercise 1.
get ALL_FILE.tar.gz
Step 9.
Open a new terminal window, and move to folder exe002
cd /WRF-CHEM-Tutorials/exe002
Step 10.
Download the prep-chem-sources.inp file into exe002 folder
wget https://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/wrf-chem/tutorialexercises/exe002/prep_chem_sources.inp
Step 11.
Open new terminal window and move to folder exe003
cd /WRF-CHEM-Tutorials/exe003
Step 12.
Use the same steps as Step 6 to log into ftp server in exe003 folder.
Step 6.
Log into FTP server while in exe001 folder
Code:ftp aftp.fsl.noaa.gov
when prompted, type "anonymous" for name
enter your email address as the password
Step 13.
Move to exercise 003 folder in ftp server terminal
cd /taq/tutorialexercises/exe003
Step 14.
Copy files from each folder to your computer.
cd Input_files
mget *
cd ..
cd NEI11_processed
mget *
cd ..
cd Run_emiss04
mget *
Enter Y for yes. You will be asked this prompt question several times.[anpqy?]?
Step 15.
Open new terminal window and move to folder exe004
cd /WRF-CHEM-Tutorials/exe004
Step 16.
Download namelist.input and prep chem input file from tutorial website
wget https://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/wrf-chem/tutorialexercises/exe004/prep_chem_sources.inp && wget https://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/wrf-chem/tutorialexercises/exe004/namelist.input
Step 17.
After downloading those files log into ftp server using the same steps as step 6 in exe004 folder
Step 6.
Log into FTP server while in exe001 folder
when prompted, type "anonymous" for nameCode:ftp aftp.fsl.noaa.gov
enter your email address as the password
Step 18.
Once logged into ftp server move to global emissions folder for exercise 4
cd /taq/global_emissions
Step 19.
Download the 2015 global emission data for exercise 4.
get global_emissions_v3_24aug2015.tar.gz
Step 20.
After that file has downloaded, download the prep chem sources file for 2015
get prep_chem_sources_v1.5_24aug2015.tar.gz
Step 21.
To exit the ftp servers after everrything is done downloading into the folders. Type the following command
You should now have all the files downloaded in their exercise folder. If you want to you can move them into similar folders like the FTP server had them.
- namelist.input
- prep_chem_sources.inp
- - Input_Files
- namelist.input
- wrfinput_d01_00z
- wrfinput_d01_12Z
- - NEI_processed
- wrfem_00to12z
- wrfem_12to24z
- - Run_Emiss04
- al2radm2.outp
- area_read.f
- emiss_v04_CONUS60km.F
- emissions_wps_v4.mod
- instructions.txt
- point_read.f
- scratem
- global_emissions_v3_24aug2015.tar.gz
- prep_chem_sources_v1.5_24aug2015.tar.gz
- namelist.input
- prep_chem_sources.inp
Thank you to @jordanschnell for answering these questions multiple times on different posts. I used his answers to create this tutorial in one place.
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