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How to set a constant radiational cooling at all vertical model levels?


New member
Hi, all

How do I set up a constant radiative cooling when I want to run a WRF experiment?

This experiment is not the ideal case that comes with WRF, but the initial field data made by myself.

Should I adjust the parameters in the WRF mode and then recompile? Or modify it directly in the initial field data I created?
Update myself. After searching for relevant knowledge, I found this function under WRF/WRF/phys/ module_ra_hs.F. It seems to be about the Newtonian relaxation scheme of radiative cooling.

It may be possible to modify the relevant data to get the results I need, waiting for my next attempt.
You may also modify codes related to RTHRATENLW, which is theta tendency due to log wave radiation. I suppose you can set it to a constant value at all vertical levels for the sensitivity test you intend to do.
Finally, I set the variable RTHRATEN in dyn_em/module_em.F to RTHRATEN(I,K,J)=(c1(k)*mut(I,J)+c2(k))*(-0.5/86400) to achieve this, hoping that this is reasonable.