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I have an output of a simulation with WRF with three nested domains (9 km, 3km and 1 km), from the 1 km output I want to generate lateral and initial conditions for a 200 m domain (0.2 km) using the ndown program. However, I would like this 200m domain to be more refined vertically, so I set vert_refine_method=2 and entered the eta levels I would like to use. The ndown namelist was configured like this in the domains section:
However, when I analyze the wrfinput_d02 file generated by ndown, the refinement is not applied, I continue with 45 vertical levels, equal the 1km domain. When I use refinement by a factor it works perfectly:
My question is: does the ndown program accept vert_refine_method=2?
time_step = 5,
time_step_fract_num = 0,
time_step_fract_den = 1,
max_dom = 2,
e_we = 205, 411,
e_sn = 205, 411,
dzstretch_s = 1.1
p_top_requested = 20000,
vert_refine_method = 0, 2,
rebalance = 1,
e_vert = 45, 53,
eta_levels(1:45) = 1.00000, 0.99629, 0.99257, 0.98879,
0.98486, 0.98071, 0.97622, 0.97130,
0.96585, 0.95977, 0.95299, 0.94540,
0.93692, 0.92744, 0.91686, 0.90507,
0.89195, 0.87737, 0.86120, 0.84331,
0.82356, 0.80181, 0.77793, 0.75181,
0.72335, 0.69246, 0.65911, 0.62329,
0.58506, 0.54455, 0.50195, 0.45755,
0.41175, 0.36503, 0.31802, 0.27144,
0.22617, 0.18317, 0.14344, 0.10788,
0.07710, 0.05132, 0.03028, 0.01343,
eta_levels(46:98) = 1.00000, 0.99814, 0.99629, 0.99442,
0.99257, 0.99068, 0.98879, 0.98682,
0.98486, 0.98278, 0.98071, 0.97846,
0.97622, 0.97376, 0.97130, 0.96857,
0.96585, 0.95977, 0.95299, 0.94540,
0.93692, 0.92744, 0.91686, 0.90507,
0.89195, 0.87737, 0.86120, 0.84331,
0.82356, 0.80181, 0.77793, 0.75181,
0.72335, 0.69246, 0.65911, 0.62329,
0.58506, 0.54455, 0.50195, 0.45755,
0.41175, 0.36503, 0.31802, 0.27144,
0.22617, 0.18317, 0.14344, 0.10788,
0.07710, 0.05132, 0.03028, 0.01343,
num_metgrid_levels = 38,
num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4,
dx = 1000,
dy = 1000,
grid_id = 1, 2,
parent_id = 0, 1,
i_parent_start = 1, 61,
j_parent_start = 1, 61,
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 5,
parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 20,
feedback = 0,
smooth_option = 0
tslist_unstagger_winds = .true.,
max_ts_locs = 65,
max_ts_level = 17,
wif_input_opt = 1
num_wif_levels = 30
However, when I analyze the wrfinput_d02 file generated by ndown, the refinement is not applied, I continue with 45 vertical levels, equal the 1km domain. When I use refinement by a factor it works perfectly:
vert_refine_fact = 2
vert_refine_method = 1
rebalance = 1
My question is: does the ndown program accept vert_refine_method=2?
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