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init_atmosphere_model run-time error related to mpas_init_atm_gwd.F


New member
I cloned v8.2.1 MPAS from the MPAS-dev/MPAS-Model repo and compiled 'init_atmosphere_model' in debug mode with:
make -j4 intel-mpi DEBUG=true CORE=init_atmosphere

I attempted to create the '' file from the '' file downloaded from the MPAS meshes website (60km - 3km global variable mesh), and the run failed with the following error:

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #2 of the array BOX has value 0 which is less than the lower bound of 1

Image PC Routine Line Source
init_atmosphere_m 000000000081A791 mpas_init_atm_gwd 905 mpas_init_atm_gwd.F
init_atmosphere_m 000000000080A9F5 mpas_init_atm_gwd 276 mpas_init_atm_gwd.F
init_atmosphere_m 0000000000502662 init_atm_cases_mp 221 mpas_init_atm_cases.F
init_atmosphere_m 00000000004FDE10 init_atm_core_mp_ 92 mpas_init_atm_core.F
init_atmosphere_m 0000000000414F0C mpas_subdriver_mp 416 mpas_subdriver.F
init_atmosphere_m 000000000040EE5D MAIN__ 20 mpas.F
init_atmosphere_m 000000000040ED8D Unknown Unknown Unknown 000014B138404D85 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
init_atmosphere_m 000000000040ECAE Unknown Unknown Unknown
srun: error: x544: task 226: Exited with exit code 152
srun: Terminating StepId=8650573.0

Would you please upload your namelist and streams files for me to take a look?
Also, If you build init_atmosphere_model without the debug option, can you run this case successfully?