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interaction of aerosols in the Thompson scheme


New member
Is there any reference or documentation on the level of aerosol interaction implemented in the Thompson aerosols microphysics scheme? What is known is that nwfa and nifa are read from the aerosol climatology file (QNWFA_QNIFA_SIGMA_MONTHLY.dat) which are used in the module_mp_thompson_aerosols that includes subroutine gt_aod to compute AOD.
  1. Do the concentrations (nwfa and nifa) vary in (or interact with) other processes?
  2. the output field 'scalar' includes aerosols (seasalt, sulfate, dust, bc, oc). Where are the emissions/ forcings read?
  3. in the new version, with the thompson_aerosols microphysics scheme, is AOD the only relevant aerosol related variable to be saved?