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Issue in CT2022 nc file while regridding


New member
Hi Everyone
I downloaded data from this url( after that when i am trying to regridding it via cdo command, it giving me an error.

Cdo command
cdo remapbil,gridfile.txt

cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: time_components)!

and my gridfile.txt is
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 1440 # Number of longitudes (360°/0.25°)
ysize = 721 # Number of latitudes (180°/0.25°)
xfirst = 0 # Longitude of the first grid point
xinc = 0.25 # Longitude increment
yfirst = 90 # Latitude of the first grid point
yinc = -0.25 # Latitude increment

How i can regrid my input dataset