Hi Everyone
I am working with Co2 anthropogeinc edgar dataset by using prep-chem source utility. My issue is that all commands has been successfully executed and after that when i see my wrfout file (by ncview command) then it shows meterological dataset but not showing co2, ch4 etc dataset
I am also attaching my wrfchem details
1. namelist.input file
2. Image of creating emission file which is showing that co2 has min and max values are respectively
3. view wrfout by using ncview command
Help in this regard from any group member will be highly appreciated.
I am working with Co2 anthropogeinc edgar dataset by using prep-chem source utility. My issue is that all commands has been successfully executed and after that when i see my wrfout file (by ncview command) then it shows meterological dataset but not showing co2, ch4 etc dataset
I am also attaching my wrfchem details
1. namelist.input file
2. Image of creating emission file which is showing that co2 has min and max values are respectively
3. view wrfout by using ncview command
Help in this regard from any group member will be highly appreciated.