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issue when compiling WPS executables metgrid and geogrid

Dear Supporters,
this is more an advise rather than a question.
I recently make scalability and performances tests with WRF, and determined the final best configuration in terms of computation and I/O efficiency.
It turned out, confirmed around in the web, that WRF should be compiled and run in the hybrid (dm+sm) configuration with quilting and tiling.
I used the option 21 with the following libraries:
module load impi20.1/19.7.217
module load intel20.1/20.1.217
module load impi20.1/hdf5/1.12.0
module load impi20.1/netcdf/C_4.7.4-F_4.5.3_CXX_4.3.1
module load impi20.1/parallel-netcdf/1.12.1
module load intel20.1/szip/2.1.1
module load curl/7.66.0

Unfortunately there is no way to compile metgrid and geogrid with that WRF configuration and the issue is related to I/O external libraries copiled in WRF nad used by geogrid and metgrid.
When compiling WRF with the dm option 20 (using PNETCDF and also PNETCDF_QUILT), tke WPS compilation is ok.
I did not check with other compilers.