Just wondering if anyone has experienced a similar issue:
forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 16, file /mnt/c/scratch/sciteam/trapp/rerelrun2018110600/VEGPARM.TBL
I've confirmed that the file exists in my run directory (and tried using version from MPAS 5.2).
This is with MPAS 7.0. No such error with 5.2, built on same machine.
Log file and stdout/err files attached.
Probably overlooking something obvious...
Just wondering if anyone has experienced a similar issue:
forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 16, file /mnt/c/scratch/sciteam/trapp/rerelrun2018110600/VEGPARM.TBL
I've confirmed that the file exists in my run directory (and tried using version from MPAS 5.2).
This is with MPAS 7.0. No such error with 5.2, built on same machine.
Log file and stdout/err files attached.
Probably overlooking something obvious...