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Issues with installing wrf-python on Red Hat Enterprise


New member
Good Morning,
I am attempting to install wrf-python on the Red Hat Enterprise platform. I initially attempted to install wrf-python using the "pip install ." method but obtained the following error:

I double checked the python requirements and it appears that they are all met based on the documentation associated to wrf-python. I then attempted to use the build scripts method and got the same error as seen here (2 screenshots):



Are there any suggestions as to how to solve this? I have search various other support forums with not success.

Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

**Please note: Conda is not a sufficient resolution unfortunately.

Thank you so much in advance.

Good afternoon,

So WRF python is tricky to install using pip because there are specific packages that need to be installed with specific version numbers. I usually install WRF-Python using a conda environment where I can freeze the packages and designate specific version numbers for each package.

Here's the list that I use @Avogt

name: wrf-python
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  # Critical Packages with Frozen Versions
  - python=3.11.5
  - wrf-python=
  - cartopy=0.23.0
  - shapely=1.8.5
  - netcdf4=1.6.3
  - hdf5=1.12.2

  # Essential Third-Party Libraries
  - numpy=1.24.2
  - scipy=1.11.2
  - matplotlib=3.6.3
  - pandas=1.5.3
  - xarray=2023.3.0
  - metpy=1.5.1
  - geopandas=0.14.0
  - fiona=1.9.5
  - bokeh=3.2.2
  - pillow=9.4.0
  - requests=2.28.2

  # Additional Useful Packages
  - pip  # Ensure pip is installed to handle any Pip-only packages

  # Pip Dependencies (if any)
  - pip:
      - attrs==23.1.0
      - click-plugins==1.1.1
      - cligj==0.7.2
      - fiona==1.9.5
      - geopandas==0.14.0
      - numpy==1.24.2
      - pandas==1.5.3
      - pip==23.0.1
      - platformdirs==3.2.0
      - requests==2.28.2
      - setuptools==67.7.2
      - urllib3==1.26.17
      - wget==3.2
      - xarray==2023.3.0