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memory corruption when using convert_emiss


New member
Hello everyone.
I'm trying to simulate the eruption of Changbai Mountain(Baekdu Mountain) following the WRF-Chem Emissions Guide .( But It always failed when I runed the convert_emiss program because memory corruption
following is my process:
I have successfully generate these *.bin files by PRE-CHEM-SRC(v1.5) and wrfinput_d01 by WRF(v4.3.3). I have checked these file and logs of processing in order to assure I can see 'SUCCESS' in these logs.
Then I copy them(*.bin,wrfinput_d01) to the WRF4-3-3/chem and WRF4-3-3/run, and modified namelist.input for convert emiss following the WRF-Chem Emissions Guide.
Finally I run convert_emiss.exe, the issue happened.

I tried fix this problem for many times, for example:
-runing convert_emiss by *.sh file, and add the number of processors.
-changing the name of files generated by PRE-CHEM-SRC(That's because when I runed the PRE-CHEM-SRC, the files for WRF is named by matrixfire-T-{years}-{month}-{days}-000000-g1-*.bin, I checked log of it, it shows, for example, volcanic SO2 and ASH emission, height,elevation and duration data for WRF: matrixfire-T-2024-08-06-000000-g1-volc.bin. So I change them to meet the file name of WRF-Chem Emissions Guide)
-changing the namelist for WRF and generate the wrfinput for many times since I think maybe my wrfinput have something wrong.
-searching this problem on the internet, but I only got that the memory issue often occur when running convert_emiss.

The report of it is here, and I would upload my namelist for convert_emiss:
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 18282880052 bytes allocated
open file wrfinput_d01
med_initialdata_input: calling input_input
Input data is acceptable to use: wrfinput_d01
CURRENT DATE = 2024-08-06_00:00:00
SIMULATION START DATE = 2024-08-06_00:00:00
Timing for processing wrfinput file (stream 0) for domain 1: 1.39594 elapsed seconds
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.06. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
D01: Time step = 60.0000000 (s)
D01: Grid Distance = 12.0000000 (km)
D01: Grid Distance Ratio dt/dx = 5.00000000 (s/km)
D01: Ratio Including Maximum Map Factor = 5.30389738 (s/km)
D01: NML defined reasonable_time_step_ratio = 6.00000000
*** Error in `./convert_emiss.exe': malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x000000000f0f5500 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
2b3ffc7bc000-2b3ffc806000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 134257705 /usr/lib64/
2b3ffc806000-2b3ffca06000 ---p 0004a000 fd:00 134257705 /usr/lib64/
2b3ffca06000-2b3ffca07000 r--p 0004a000 fd:00 134257705 /usr/lib64/
2b3ffca07000-2b3ffca09000 rw-p 0004b000 fd:00 134257705 /usr/lib64/
2b3ffca09000-2b3ffcae2000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 134257715 /usr/lib64/
Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x2B3FF9573697
#1 0x2B3FF9573CDE
#2 0x2B3FFA00627F
#3 0x2B3FFA006207
#4 0x2B3FFA0078F7
#5 0x2B3FFA048D26
#6 0x2B3FFA04F5D3
#7 0x2B3FFA052D0F
#8 0x2B3FFA0551AB
#9 0x36AAC27 in __module_ra_cam_support_MOD_oznini
#10 0x2896072 in __module_physics_init_MOD_ra_init
#11 0x28BAAE7 in __module_physics_init_MOD_phy_init
#12 0x253F808 in start_domain_em_
#13 0x24E576F in start_domain_
#14 0x20E6422 in med_initialdata_input_
#15 0x4077A9 in MAIN__ at convert_emiss.f90:?

Could anyone please share the methods of solving this problem? That will be really helpful for me. Thanks.


  • namelist_for_convert_emiss.input
    8.3 KB · Views: 5
Dear Shinku,

I faced the same problem.
In my case it is somehow related to the extension of a modelling domain which covers the North Pole.
Did you solve it?