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MPAS crashing with MYNN PBL/SFC scheme


Hi MPAS folks,

I've run into an issue with MPAS where if I try to use the mynn PBL and surface layer schemes with the mesoscale_reference parameterization suite, MPAS will crash as soon as it tries to write out the first hourly restart file. My configuration of MPAS will run successfully with the mesoscale_reference suite of parameterizations, but the 2m temperature has a large cold bias, which is why I'm trying to run it with a different PBL and surface layer scheme. I've copied the physics section of my namelist.atmosphere below

config_sst_update = false
config_sstdiurn_update = false
config_deepsoiltemp_update = false
config_radtlw_interval = '00:30:00'
config_radtsw_interval = '00:30:00'
config_o3climatology = true
config_bucket_update = 'none'
config_physics_suite = 'mesoscale_reference'
config_gwdo_scheme = 'off'
config_sfclayer_scheme = 'sf_mynn'
config_pbl_scheme = 'bl_mynn'
config_microp_re = true
! config_radt_cld_scheme = 'suite'
config_radt_cld_scheme = 'cld_fraction_thompson'

I've also tried running this with config_gwdo_scheme set to 'by_ysu_gwdo' and got the same error. Any ideas as to what might be causing this? I'm running this on derecho in the /glade/derecho/scratch/mawilson/mpas_OSSE/MPAS-DART/rundir3/param_test directory if that helps.


Matt Wilson
From your log.atmosphere.0000.out file, the error message suggests a problem with the specification of the GWDO scheme:
----- Setting up physics suite 'mesoscale_reference' -----
ERROR: ------------------------------ FATAL CALLED ------------------------------
ERROR: illegal value for gwdo_scheme: bl_mynn_gw
CRITICAL ERROR: MPAS core_physics abort
From your namelist.atmosphere file in /glade/derecho/scratch/mawilson/mpas_OSSE/MPAS-DART/rundir3/param_test, the &physics namelist group looks like
config_sst_update = false
config_sstdiurn_update = false
config_deepsoiltemp_update = false
config_radtlw_interval = '00:30:00'
config_radtsw_interval = '00:30:00'
config_o3climatology = true
config_bucket_update = 'none'
config_physics_suite = 'mesoscale_reference'
config_gwdo_scheme = 'bl_mynn_gwdo'
config_sfclayer_scheme = 'sf_mynn'
config_pbl_scheme = 'bl_mynn'
config_microp_re = true
! config_radt_cld_scheme = 'suite'
config_radt_cld_scheme = 'cld_fraction_thompson'

From Table 6.3 in the MPAS-Atmosphere Model User's Guide, it looks like the only valid specification for config_gwdo_scheme is 'bl_ysu_gwdo'.
Also, from your log file, it looks like you're running MPAS-A v8.0.1:
MPAS-Atmosphere Version 8.0.1
Would it be possible to update to the current release (v8.2.2), at least for a single test run?
From your log.atmosphere.0000.out file, the error message suggests a problem with the specification of the GWDO scheme:

From your namelist.atmosphere file in /glade/derecho/scratch/mawilson/mpas_OSSE/MPAS-DART/rundir3/param_test, the &physics namelist group looks like

From Table 6.3 in the MPAS-Atmosphere Model User's Guide, it looks like the only valid specification for config_gwdo_scheme is 'bl_ysu_gwdo'.
Oops I forgot to mention that I ran an additional test setting config_gwdo_scheme to 'bl_mynn_gwdo' and found out it doesn't exist. I'll run it with 'bl_ysu_gwdo' again to get the error file I was encountering earlier so you can look at it. And I can also check out MPASv8.2.2 later.
I just tried compiling MPASv8.2.2 for a test run and got a segmentation fault using the same environment I used for compiling v8.0.1. The modules I have loaded are:

Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/23.09 (S) 3) cray-mpich/8.1.27 5) craype/2.7.31 7) netcdf-mpi/4.9.2
2) gcc/13.2.0 4) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 6) hdf5-mpi/1.14.3 8) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3

I've also attached the error file I got, and the directory where I'm trying to compile MPASv8.2.2 is /glade/work/mawilson/MPAS_MYNN2/MPAS-Model. Do any of the modules listed above look incorrect?


  • mpas_comp_err.txt
    167.4 KB · Views: 0
The Noah-MP land-surface scheme that was added in MPAS v8.2.0 breaks the GNU 13.2.0 compilers. This does appear to be due to a compiler bug and not a result of any problem with the Noah-MP code. Instead, you can use the GNU 12.2.0 compilers on Derecho, and if it helps, there's an updated module list for Derecho in the most recent MPAS-A tutorial guide: MPAS Tutorial — Practice Session Guide .

Thanks for your willingness to give a try with the current MPAS release!
Thanks! Changing the compiler to v12.2.0 allowed MPAS to compile. In an unrelated question, is there an MPAS mesh template somewhere that starts at 120 km resolution and refines down to 3 km? The closest I could find was 60 km refining down to 3 km.
As you've found, the 60-3 km mesh is probably the closest that we have to what you're looking for.