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None of the dust emission options work with RADM2SORG_KPP


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm running simulations using the RADM2-MADE/SORGAM with KPP (RADM2SORG_KPP) chemical mechanism (chem_opt=106) with WRF/Chem v4.5.1.

I have tried all the available dust emission options (meaning 1, 3 and 4 since 2 is supposed to be disabled due to errors) and added the variables E_DUST* in my output to check whether I actually have dust emissions in my domain, but they are all zero. The absence of dust emissions is also evident in the dust concentration output variables (i.e., pm25j and soila), since my domain contains the Saharan region and so the existence of dust should be obvious.

Searching in the forum and in module_aerosols_sorgam.F, I found out about dust_opt = 13, which from what I can infer is a modification of GOCART dust emissions for MADE/SORGAM aerosols (this option isn't mentioned in the User's Guide or in Registry.chem). Using this option calls the subroutine sorgam_dust_gocartemis, which computes dust emissions and directly adds to:

chem(i,k,j,p_p25j)=chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) + jdustcon
chem(i,k,j,p_soila)=chem(i,k,j,p_soila) + cdustcon

(without producing E_DUST* emission variables like the GOCART schemes). I tried this option but still the concentrations of pm25j and soila seem to remain unaffected (even above the Saharan region).

Is anyone familiar with this issue and/or can help me fix it (I'm attaching my namelist.input file)?


  • radm2sorg_kpp-namelist.input
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