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opt_run=5 option information request

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in running WRF/Noah-MP with the Miguez-Macho & Fan (2007) water table scheme for groundwater. As I understand this capacity is supported in WRF v4.0 under opt_run=5.

Are there any documents that detail further the necessary steps to implement this scheme (incl., initialization and parameter estimation)?

Thank you.

I cannot find any documentation that discusses this option being available for use in V4.0. Can you point me to where you found this information? Thanks!
This GW option was applied in Barlage et al. (2015;

"...The third option (MPR5) is based on the water table dynamics model developed by Miguez-Macho et al. (2007; hereafter denoted MMF). The MPR5 approach is similar to MPR1 in that an aquifer is explicitly defined at a dynamically determined depth below or within the model soil layers. MPR5 also considers lateral flow of the aquifer water and groundwater-river exchange, though these processes are generally only important on higher resolution grids than are used in this study. An important difference between these two aquifer options is that when the aquifer is below the resolved soil layers (2 m), MPR5 adds additional soil layers between the resolved layers and the water table to more accurately calculate fluxes between the resolved layers and the aquifer. MPR5 also requires an input dataset of equilibrium water table depth defined through an offline process using 30 years of climatological recharge described in MMF (see Fig. 1b). "

I've contacted one of the developers to see if they can provide any useful information for you. Hopefully we will hear something soon. Thank you for your patience.