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Output variables for building energy requirement


New member
Hi everyone,

I searched for a similar topic but did not find any.
I am trying to evaluate the building energy requirement of differents urban scenarios
I am using WRF - BEP + BEM with LCZ options too.

I want to calculate the building energy requirement of AC particularly but i don't know where to find the variable in wrfout. Do i have to calculate it from other variables?

Thank you for your help.
@andreazonato Do you know the answer to this question? I think it is not a default output variable and you will likely have to change the variable from local variable to output variable.
Hi, thank you for your feedback. For my part, I continued searching on the forum. I may have found a solution in this post.
How to produce HFX and LH at different heights?
By modifying as indicated, I was able to test a simulation and generate the consumption relating to air conditioning as an wrfout variable. Can you confirm it is the right solution?
