I am trying to output the roughness length in either the diag or history files and have two question.
1. I am seeing a variable `gz1oz0` with a description of "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length". The `z0` named "roughness length" here is what I am after. But further down the file, there are two variables `z0` named "roughness height" and `znt` named "roughness length". Which one among `z0` and `znt` is the `z0` in "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length"?
2. I tried adding either z0 or znt into the list of output within Registry.xml, recompile, and also in stream_list.atmosphere.output in actual jobs. But the complaint of "ERROR: MPAS IO Error: Undefined field" keeps showing up and no `z0/znt` is written.
Please advise on which and how the roughness length can be output in history or diag files.
Thank you!
I am trying to output the roughness length in either the diag or history files and have two question.
1. I am seeing a variable `gz1oz0` with a description of "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length". The `z0` named "roughness length" here is what I am after. But further down the file, there are two variables `z0` named "roughness height" and `znt` named "roughness length". Which one among `z0` and `znt` is the `z0` in "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length"?
2. I tried adding either z0 or znt into the list of output within Registry.xml, recompile, and also in stream_list.atmosphere.output in actual jobs. But the complaint of "ERROR: MPAS IO Error: Undefined field" keeps showing up and no `z0/znt` is written.
Please advise on which and how the roughness length can be output in history or diag files.
Thank you!