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Outputing roughness length


New member
I am trying to output the roughness length in either the diag or history files and have two question.
1. I am seeing a variable `gz1oz0` with a description of "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length". The `z0` named "roughness length" here is what I am after. But further down the file, there are two variables `z0` named "roughness height" and `znt` named "roughness length". Which one among `z0` and `znt` is the `z0` in "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length"?
2. I tried adding either z0 or znt into the list of output within Registry.xml, recompile, and also in stream_list.atmosphere.output in actual jobs. But the complaint of "ERROR: MPAS IO Error: Undefined field" keeps showing up and no `z0/znt` is written.
Please advise on which and how the roughness length can be output in history or diag files.
Thank you!
Please see my answers below:
I am trying to output the roughness length in either the diag or history files and have two question.
1. I am seeing a variable `gz1oz0` with a description of "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length". The `z0` named "roughness length" here is what I am after. But further down the file, there are two variables `z0` named "roughness height" and `znt` named "roughness length". Which one among `z0` and `znt` is the `z0` in "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length"?
z0 is roughness height, which is the one used in log(z/z0)
2. I tried adding either z0 or znt into the list of output within Registry.xml, recompile, and also in stream_list.atmosphere.output in actual jobs. But the complaint of "ERROR: MPAS IO Error: Undefined field" keeps showing up and no `z0/znt` is written.
Please keep Registry.xml unchanged, and simply add 'z0' and 'znt' to stream_list.atmosphere.output. Then rerun the case. Let me know whether the model works and whether you have the two variable sin your history output files.
Please advise on which and how the roughness length can be output in history or diag files.
Thank you!
Please see my answers below:

z0 is roughness height, which is the one used in log(z/z0)

Please keep Registry.xml unchanged, and simply add 'z0' and 'znt' to stream_list.atmosphere.output. Then rerun the case. Let me know whether the model works and whether you have the two variable sin your history output files.

Thanks for your response! "simply add 'z0' and 'znt' to stream_list.atmosphere.output" will cause an error message written out in error logs as below:

Beginning MPAS-atmosphere Error Log File for task     159 of     160
    Opened at 2024/09/03 13:21:35

ERROR: MPAS IO Error: Undefined field
The simulation will continue and no z0 or znt variables will be written out as instructed in the history files.
I just did a quick test and I can successfully output znt and z0 to my history files. Below is the variables included in my

The MPAS version I used is V8.1.

Can you double check to make sure you follow the correct approach?