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PV parameterization in BEM


New member
Good day, colleagues.
Please I would like to have answers to the following questions:

i. In the PV parameterization inside BEM, is there a space between the roof and the PV OR it is assumed that the PV is directly on the roof?
ii. Would setting PV_FRAC to 100% of the roof turn off roof effects?
iii. Is there a way to turn off wall effects in the UCM?
iii. Is there a documentation for the coupling of BEP_BEM (multilayer) to Noah-MP OR how can I find out how the UCM is linked to the Noah LSM?

Thank you for your help in advance
I am sorry that I don't have immediate answers to your questions 1-3. Would you please take a look at the papers below? Hopefully you can find some helpful information.

(1) Salamanca, F., and A. Martilli, 2010: A new building energy model coupled with an urban canopy parameterization for urban climate simulations––part II. Validation with one dimension off–line simulations. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 99, 345–356.

(2) Martilli A, Clappier A, and Rotach M.W., 2002: An urban surface exchange parameterization for mesoscale models. Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 104, 261–304.

(3) Chen, F., H. Kusaka, R. Bornstain, J. Ching, C.S.B. Grimmond, S. Grossman-Clarke, T. Loridan, K. Manning, A. Martilli, S. Miao, D. Sailor, F. Salamanca, H. Taha, M. Tewari, X. Wang, A. Wyszogrodzki, and C. Zhang, 2011: The integrated WRF/urban modeling system: development, evaluation, and applications to urban environmental problems. International Journal of Climatology, 31, 273-288. DOI: 10.1002/joc.2158.

To answer your question 4, please take a look at the codes module_sf_noahdrv.F, module_sf_noahmpdrv.F, and module_surface_driver.F, in which you can find conditional options like:


These codes deal with the coupling of urban physics with LSM scheme.