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Question for config_apvm_upwinding


New member
Hi all,
I'm reading MPAS mesh website and find there is a special statement over 15-3km mesh which is
(3) When running the model itself with the 15-km – 3-km mesh, it is necessary to set [B]config_apvm_upwinding = 0.0[/B] in the nhyd_model namelist record.
but why it has to be set to zero in such mesh?
Since I'm also using 15-3km mesh but the difference is it's self-made one not from official website, I'm wondering may I also need to set it to zero in my simulation.
My understanding is that it is related to the vorticity (and/or wind), which is not smooth over the transition zone.
Hope someone in the community may have more details and insights about this option.