I have written a script for plotting the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies and the 2 m temperature extraction script at a location.
The code is working for both scripts but the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies do not reflect the same behavior when compared with data extracted at grid points (latitude and longitude) of station locations.
I would really appreciate it if you can advise whether my temperature anomalies script and temperature extraction script using NCL are correct?? See attached.
Appreciate your assistance and advice.
I have written a script for plotting the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies and the 2 m temperature extraction script at a location.
The code is working for both scripts but the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies do not reflect the same behavior when compared with data extracted at grid points (latitude and longitude) of station locations.
I would really appreciate it if you can advise whether my temperature anomalies script and temperature extraction script using NCL are correct?? See attached.
Appreciate your assistance and advice.