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RE: Need verification for Temperature Extraction and Temperature anomalies Scripts

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


I have written a script for plotting the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies and the 2 m temperature extraction script at a location.

The code is working for both scripts but the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies do not reflect the same behavior when compared with data extracted at grid points (latitude and longitude) of station locations.

I would really appreciate it if you can advise whether my temperature anomalies script and temperature extraction script using NCL are correct?? See attached.

Appreciate your assistance and advice.



  • plot code - temperature anomalies.docx
    13.5 KB · Views: 71
  • Temperature Extraction code - Ba.docx
    13 KB · Views: 77

I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but after looking at your code, depending on what version of NCL you are using I can suggest one change that could solve your problem. If you are using 6.6.0 or later 'wrf_user_ll_to_ij' is now deprecated and you can use wrf_user_ll_to_xy instead.

If you are using NCL prior to 6.6.0 then you will need to make this change:


I wanted to know whether my extraction code for the temperature at a specific location and the code for plotting the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies are correct?

The reason why I asked for the verification is: when I plot the monthly averaged diurnal 2 m temperature anomalies I can see a significant contrast in the 2 m temperature via the anomalies plot indicating a strong diurnal variation in temperature. But when I extract the 2 m temperature using the extraction code at a specific location there is a very poor diurnal variation in temperature.

This behavior is mostly observed for locations on the leeward side of the island (tropical island - Fiji) and not on the windward side.

Appreciate your assistance and advise.
